Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Veil

 The Veil – Marjane Satrapi

            Actually, what has really drawn my attention in this comic is the excessive use of imagination, especially in the part that presents the way in which Marji used to interacts or deal with God. Before talking about my own viewpoint according to what I read in ‘’ The Veil ‘’, I will talk briefly about this comic. Marjane Satrapi has chosen the comic template to tell us about her childhood in the period of the Islamic revolution in Iran, and how many things have been changed in terms of individuals, society, and government. Wearing the veil was one of the most essential and remarkable changes in that period, but Marji was belonging to an open-minded, free, and modern family; even though, she was obliged to obey the rules of the new religious society and to wear the veil. Going to Vienna was the best solution for Marji to get away from all what was happening in Iran, but unfortunately, all what she gained from her escape is humiliation, homelessness, and deviation.

            Although I liked this comic and I sympathized with Marji, I totally disagree with the way in which Marji has personalized God and represent him in the image of an old man! In addition, I did not like some unnecessary bold scenes. On the other hand, I really liked the sense of humor that dominated the entire comic and how Marji used to react about many situations.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meryem!!
    As I told you, I read your blog. It is really good, I like it!

    Have a nice day and see you soon.
