Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm So Totally, Digitally, Close to You

This reporting essay is talking mainly about the influence of Facebook and Twitter on people, and how these two social networking dominate the entire thinking of them. What makes Facebook and Twitter very special to people, either youths or adults, is their ability to keep them updated with all what is going on with their friends. Sometimes, some of our Facebook friends keep updating their status about every single detail and action they do during the day, such as ‘’ eating ‘’ , ‘’ studying ‘’, and ‘’ nothing to do !! ‘’ and I think that this is the summit of absurdity. What I really like about the new Facebook is the privacy options that were added recently, so every user can limit the access of his\her friends to his\her personal profile. The statement that I do not agree with in this essay is ‘’ Facebook is becoming the Big Brother of the Internet, recording every single move,’’ because Facebook is just a way to publish what we want to publish, and it does not record our actions automatically, but us who control our own recordings.

At the beginning, people used to underestimate the value of Facebook and Twitter, and they used to think that it is not their business if someone starts a new relationship or break up with his\her partner; for instance. However, after a while, people found themselves access their accounts unconsciously to check up their friends’ news and see what is going on with the others. I think that the importance of Facebook and Twitter lies in making people able to contact their old friends and be acquainted with new friends; in additions, some of them could find good job opportunities through Facebook. On the other hand, the disadvantages of Facebook and Twitter are their huge role in consuming and wasting the time of many students. Furthermore, the fact that all what we post on facebook and all our uploaded pictures are saved in the Facebook server is somehow disturbing and worrying, even if we delete them from our accounts.

What truly made me enjoy reading this text are the way it is written with, and the real facts that are reported in it according to how people use Facebook and Twitter, how using these two social networking affect those people social life, and the curiosity that raised in me about where this technology leads us.

1 comment:

  1. This is good. I don't agree with you in few things or maybe one thing. For instance, we are not really master of what is going to be done with the information we publish in these social networks. We might think that we are controlling them (Using the known privacy methods), but we allowed so many things by accepting the EULA (e.g of Facebook) that when we publish something, it is not our property anymore and it is the exclusive property of Facebook Inc.
